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Have you ever watched professional sports? Have you ever watched the football playoffs in the NFL, World Cup soccer, or the NBA playoffs? You can feel the intensity of the athletes and players, they are there for one thing and that thing is to win. They are not there for their health - they are not there to go home empty-handed. They know who they are - they are the best in the world at what they do. We as fans admire and love them for their ultimate intensity and human spirit.
Perhaps we identify with them in their battle and on the field or court. Maybe it's like watching the movie Rocky, and we relate them to our own lives; the game like a symbol or an analogy of life itself. They say "when the going gets tough, the tough get going," and all of us like to think that we are tough, we are ready, we are prepared, and we can go the distance. In life you have no choice, you either perform and adapt, or you die.
It doesn't matter if you are running a business, or you are an employee. It doesn't matter if you're going to college, trying to make ends meet, or if you are a single mother raising your children alone. Sometimes you just have to get tough and refuse to surrender, you must fight against mediocrity in your life, and rise to the occasion. Winston Churchill was absolutely correct when he said;
"Never, ever, ever, ever give up... ever!"
I don't know about you, but in my life I don't do defeat, because that's just not who I am. I'd like to think there were others like me out there, but in our society, I see so few. I see the downtrodden, the people who gave up, people who bitch and moan and complain about everything.
Sometimes I just want to turn that noise off, I am not one with that group of people - I am an American. I come from a long line of Americans who care, who will go the distance, and we have built this great nation; and yes contrary to popular "political correctness" it is great - this is a Great Country and I am not ashamed to say it, and neither should you.
And when you are victorious in your life, when you have achieved something, when you have stood in the line of fire, and the battle of life, and you refuse to give up because you have the perseverance and commitment to do it, then you will know. It is okay to have an earned ego and sometimes you have to look in your mirror, look straight into your eyes, and tell the world;
"You will never break me, you don't have the balls, I will never give up, I will never quit, I cannot be defeated, because that's who I am!"
If you are going to a job interview, if you are involved in a political contest, if you run a small business in this economy, if you are going to take your finals in school, or if you have a sports event where you must perform for yourself and for your team - then I want you to repeat those words above in your mirror and I want you to say them, and believe them. And if you do that, I will see you in the winner's circle, because that's what I'm about and that's where I'm going! Dear World, you'll never break me, because you don't have the balls!
Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes in a concrete attitude in life;
Note: All of Lance Winslow's articles are written by him, not by Automated Software, any Computer Program, or Artificially Intelligent Software. None of his articles are outsourced, PLR Content or written by ghost writers.