Present day Miami Dolphins fans - come on, you know you are out there - may know quite a bit about their favorite NFL team. But, this knowledge may be limited to recent years, such as the Dolphin's record during the 2006 season or which player they took as their number one draft pick. How much do you know about the Dolphin's history? Take our quiz to find out.
1. The first owner of the Miami Dolphins is widely known to be Joseph Robbie. But, he originally bought the franchise with a famous actor serving as his partner. Who was the actor?
a. Marlon Brando
b. Burt Reynolds
c. Danny Thomas
d. Haley Joel Osment
2. When the Dolphins began to play in 1966, what served as their original home stadium?
a. The Orange Bowl
b. The Raymond James Stadium
c. Tropicana Field
d. Lambeau Field
3. What was the Dolphin's record in their first season?
a. 3-11
b. 4-10
c. 14-0
d. They tied every game
4. When Don Shula became head coach of the Miami Dolphins, who did he replace?
a. Tom Landry
b. George Wilson
c. Jimmy Johnson
d. Joe Torre
5. When the Dolphins hired Don Shula as the coach, what team charged Miami with tampering?
a. The Indianapolis Colts
b. The Baltimore Colts
c. The New York Jets
d. The Jacksonville Jaguars
6. The early 1970's were the height of the Dolphin's success. During this time, they became the first NFL team to do what?
a. Win Three Consecutive Super Bowls
b. Make it to Three Consecutive Super Bowls
c. Win back to back Super Bowls
d. Win one Super Bowl
7. The 1971 AFC Divisional Playoff game between the Dolphins and the Kansas City Chiefs set a record as what?
a. The NFL game with the most field goals
b. The most lopsided NFL game
c. The longest NFL game
d. The day the most hot dogs were consumed
8. What was the nickname of the 1972 Dolphin's defense?
a. The No-Name Defense
b. The Steel Curtain
c. The Wall
d. The Big Unit
9. During the 1973 season, the Miami Dolphins repeated as Super Bowl champions by beating what team?
a. The Green Bay Packers
b. The Chicago Bears
c. The Minnesota Vikings
d. The Carolina Panthers
10. The AFC Divisional Playoff game played on December 21, 1974 between the Dolphins and the Oakland Raiders went down in football folklore as what?
a. The Sea of Hands Game
b. The Ice Bowl
c. The Drive
d. It didn't have a name; this is a trick question
Answers: 1. c. Danny Thomas; 2. a. The Orange Bowl; 3. a. 3-11; 4. b. George Wilson; 5. b. The Baltimore Colts; 6. b. Make it to Three Consecutive Super Bowls; 7. c. The longest NFL game; 8. a. The No-Name Defense; 9. c. The Minnesota Vikings; 10. a. The Sea of Hands Game.
See how you did:
9-10 correct: You are a true Miami fan. You can swim with the Dolphins anytime. Two fins up!
6-8 correct: You might not have received a perfect score, but you still know quite a bit about the only team to ever have a perfect season.
3-5 correct: You didn't do great, but you didn't do horrible. One fin up, but not two.
Less than three: Maybe you are better of as a Jacksonville Jaguars or a Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan.
Jennifer Jordan is a senior editor for An avid sports fan, she likes the Miami Dolphins but her heart belongs to the Denver Broncos.