Saturday, February 11, 2012

College Division 2 Football - Great Opportunities For You to Play College Football

Have you given any consideration to playing college division 2 football? If not, you should! Thousands of high school football players from around the country, perhaps even the world, are competing for scholarships and playing opportunities at the next level. Pursuing opportunities at the division 2 level can give an opportunity to step out from he crowd and be noticed.

Everyone Wants To Play Division 1

It's no secret to you or anyone else that most (99%) of all high school football players want to go on and play division 1 football. Everyone wants to play for Florida, Alabama, USC, Texas, or any of the other elite schools. However, not everyone has what it takes to be recruited by these schools or even a D1 school at all. That is why you should give some serious consideration to playing college division 2 football.

Highly Skilled

If you have ever go the chance to get out and see college division 2 football, I don't have to tell you that it is high competitive and the athletes are super talented. In fact, many of the players at this level are just as talented and skilled as D1 players, but they may not have had the necessary height and weight needed to play at the highest level.

Scholarships Still Available

One of the best things about playing college division 2 football is that you can still get scholarship money to play. Unlike Division 3 football, these schools can still offer you scholarship money to come and play for them. You don't have to play at the Division 1 level to get a scholarship, you can get help at Division 2 schools also.

Limited Recruiting Budgets

One of the biggest differences between Division 1 and Division 2 schools is the coaches recruiting budgets. The coaches at the D2 level can't afford to fly around the country recruiting players like the big boys can. Therefore, these coaches rely more on word of mouth recruiting and even players contacting them about playing opportunities.


If you are not currently being recruited by the bigger schools, yet you know you have what it takes to play college football, you should consider the opportunities you can find in college division 2 football. Develop a list of these schools and start making contact with these coaches right away. If you have what it takes to play at their level, many of these coaches will be glad to hear from you.

Learn more about how to get on the path to playing football in college, download our Free Report: Five Secrets You Must Know To Get Recruited For Athletic Scholarships.

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