Monday, June 13, 2011

Atlanta Falcons - The Great Hunters of the Wind

Hunting is a form of survival to sustain the needs of someone may it be for nourishment, for entertainment or for trade. People in the early times, did hunting as a way of living since food was not as easy as buying in the market like what we have right now. The search for animals in the wilds was the common way to eat hearty meals with a simple use of bows and arrows or even spears.

As the early Homo sapiens were known to be great hunters, we also have creatures that have a keen eye for this task. We call them birds. They own the air and the atmosphere. No other creature could fly better than they could as they were built with wings to reach places for survival. They are the hunters that thrive in the wind and devour creatures of the land. In addition, sometimes, they are the common victims of extinction because of the unruly use of hunting for sport. Let us know some of them and small bits of information about them.

The falcon

They are the birds from the kingdom Animalia that belongs to the family of Falconidae. These birds of prey have the gift alertness, as their vision is more than normal. It is easy for them to spot their prey and seize them. They are also built for speed as they have broad wings. This also gives them the ability of changing direction as easy as 1-2-3. You see these species in the logo of the Atlanta Falcons. Aside from that, one of their species (Peregrines) is now listed as one of the endangered species.

The Eagle and Hawks

They are birds of prey from the same kingdom mentioned above but this time belongs to the family of Accipitridae. Eagles are big in terms of size and wings. They have great color combination and their trademark is their white tail. Despite the dominant color on their body, their tail is always white when they reach adulthood. Female species are normally bigger than males. On the other hands, hawks are also strong birds and are much known for their alertness. They were also known to be one of the most intelligent birds based on their Avian IQ test results. The American Bald eagle is one of the endangered species. Hawks are the used as part of the logos of Atlanta basketball team.


These are birds of prey that thrive at night. As they say, they are nocturnal. They have great visions and they fly silently. They have big eyes and keen hearing senses that allows them to accurately locate even the faintest sound of their prey. They do not even have to turn their head to see where their prey is located. They also have powerful claws that are used to capture their prey. Owls were mail carriers in the movie Harry Potter.

Because of their powerful and cunning skills in attacking, their prey fears them. Because of this, they are commonly used to be parts of logos of various team sports (like Atlanta Falcons and Philadelphia Eagles). However, despite of their greatness, still we need to help preserve them.

Freddie Brister is a huge fan of the NFL and the Atlanta Falcons. His love for the game of football started with an older brother passing the pigskin around in the backyard with cousins and neighborhood friends. He later played in high school, college and coached high school football for 25 years, before retiring to write for Sports Fan Treasures. Check out his. Atlanta Falcons Lamp or his. Indianapolis Colts Lamp