Sunday, September 19, 2010

Brett Favre History

A pride of Southern Mississippi, Brett Favre history has stirred the sports world in the West. Brett is considered to be one of the best-playing National Football League (NFL) quarterbacks. Television reporters and commentators broadcast to the world that Brett is referred to as the one of the well-followed players that even his fellow football players would purchase a ticket just to enjoy his stints and celebrate victory with him.

Trading back Brett Favre history before NFL years, he was born on October 10, 1969 in Gulfport, Mississippi. He played quarterback, strong safety, kicker and punter at Hancock Northern Central High School's football team coached by his own father Irvin. In college, he was seen to have much potential in professional style in offense department by his head coach Curley Hallman. Since then, he's mastered his skills until he gained Heisman trophy before his senior semesters.

Brett Favre history relays that Brett also had his down moments when he got seriously injured after a car accident before he could even make it to the training camp in college. About 30 inches of his small intestines had to be taken out. Eventually, his life on field was back 20 days after where he led Southern Mississippi to victory against Alabama. That was another record America's football-followers appreciated.

When Brett started playing quarterback for Green Bay Packers of NFL in 1992, his football career soared higher and created distinctive waves in American sports scene. Prior to his getting drafted as part of Green Bay, he had his stint with the Atlanta Falcons in 1991. Brett Favre history shares that this University of Mississippi quarterback is not just a football star. He is also a philanthropist who put up the so-called Brett Favre Forward Foundation in 1996 which raised 1.25 million dollars that benefited Mississippi and Wisconsin charitable institutions. Such donation was raised out of his playing in golf tourneys, celebrity softball games and fundraising events.

Favre won Most Valuable Player in NFL three times from 1995 to 1997 and made a victorious leadership for the Green Bay Packers in Super Bowl Game versus New England. Since playing amazingly, he's set some record-breaking figures as having attained NFL's most number of touchdown passes 442, NFL's highest number of passing yards 61,655, NFL's most career pass completions 5,377, NFL's most career pass attempts 8,758 and NFL most number of interceptions thrown 288. In Brett Favre history, he made the most consecutive starts among the quarterbacks in the NFL history.

After signing a lifetime contract with the Green Bay Packers in 2001, Brett Favre history says he would end up his career with the Packers. Indeed, no player has ever been closely connected to Packers or any team as much as how Brett has been.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about Brett Favre [], please visit Sports Legends Shop [] for current articles and discussions.