Saturday, September 4, 2010

Is the Los Angeles Angels Vs Yankees Series an ALCS Preview?

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The Los Angeles Angels will make the playoffs. This is pretty clear by now. With 90 wins and 60 losses, the team leads the American League West division by about 8 games, and their playoff prospects are secure.

Normally, regular season games played during this time of the year are meaningless for a team in the situation that the Angels find themselves in. A team might typically rest up its more important players, giving a chance for bench players, and even some minor league youth, to play in the final games of the regular season. After all, it benefits the team to rest up its best players for the playoffs, not to mention the elimination of risk with respect to any injuries that could kill a team's post season prospects.

In the Angels' case, though, things are different for the time being. The team is in the midst of a three game series against the AL East leading New York Yankees. While this is the last regular series between the two teams, there's a very realistic chance that the New York Yankees and Los Angeles Angels will meet in the playoffs.

Many experts are predicting that this could indeed be a preview of the ALCS, which indeed looks possible. As a result, stakes are high in this series and the Angels will look to seize every opportunity to win each game played.

The team started out on a great note in the first game of the series, with a 5-2 win over the Yankees. Most importantly, starting pitcher Joe Saunders was extremely efficient.

The team will need all of the pitching help it can get against the dangerous bats of the Yankees.

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