Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pick 3 Lottery Strategy

Here are some great tips on pick3 lotto's.

o For best results bet your numbers to draw straight and box.

o Stop playing guessing games and use mathematics to choose your numbers for Pick3. All types of lotteries is based on mathematics and has a specific formula.

o Certain number patterns appear more frequently in data series, while other patterns go through a delay.

o Historically, pick 3 numbers show discrepancy in their frequency.

o If you play 1 pick-3 straight combination for 1000 drawings, your chance (degree of certainty) to hit the winning combination is approximately 0.632 (63.2%). On the other hand, if you play all 1000 pick-3 numbers in one draw, the chance is 100% that you'll hit the winning number.

o $1 can become up to $500 with Pick 3. The way you play determines how much you win. Pick your numbers, then decide how you want to play them - Straight, Box, Straight/Box, Front Pair or Back Pair. It's all up to you.

By now you certainly know that all lotteries are "games of chance." You take a chance or risk every time you play the lottery. Many people use special numbers or play significant dates in their lives, in the hope of winning. They leave everything to chance when in fact, it's all about mathematics and the odds or probability.

The good news is that the days of guessing and taking your chances with lotteries especially pick3 lotteries is gone. At we have devised a unique system that eliminates the guesswork and improves your chances of winning at pick3 lotteries. Our simple, 3-prong system humiliates Veteran Lotto players who dump thousands of dollars into losing numbers every day... and it's Guaranteed to massively boost YOUR odds of winning ANY state or province Pick 3 Lotto - every single time you use it! You can easily master it in minutes, and start winning as soon as TODAY!

All states have lotteries of some type and chances are they have pick3 lotteries. SO you can place bets anytime you like. Let's take a look at the type of bets and the amount of prizes for the "Pick-3" Lottery.

1. Straight Bet

The purchaser shall select a three-digit number that will become a winner only if said number matches digit for digit in sequence the winning number selected by the drawing. For example, if the winning number is 123, then only straight bets placed on 123 will be winners.

2. Straight Wheel (3-Way Combination Bets)

Any combination of three digits, two of which are the same will become a straight bet winner if said number matches digit for digit, in any sequence, the winning number drawn. For example, if the winning number is 112, then combination (straight) bets placed on any of the following will be winners:

112 121 211

3. Straight Wheel (6-Way Combination Bets)

Any combination of three digits, all different, will become a straight bet winner if said number matches digit for digit, in any sequence, the winning number drawn. For example, if the winning number is 123, then combination (straight) bets placed on any of the following will be winners:

123 213 312

132 231 321

4. Box (3-Way Combination Bets)

Any combination of three digits, two of which are the same, will become a winner if said number matches digit for digit, in any sequence, the winning number drawn. For example, if the winning number is 112, then combination (box) bets placed on any of the following will be winners:

112 121 211

5. Box (6-Way Combination Bets)

Any combination of three digits, all different, will become a winner if said number matches digit for digit, in any sequence, the winning number drawn. For example, if the winning number is 123, then combination (box) bets placed on any of the following will be winners:

123 213 312

132 231 321

6. Front Pair Bets

The purchaser shall select the first two digits of the three-digit number that will become a winner if the first two digits selected match digit for digit in sequence the first two digits of the winning number selected by the drawing. For example, if the winning number is 123, then only front pair bets placed on 12X will be winners.

7. Back Pair Bets

The purchaser shall select the last two digits of the three-digit number that will become a winner if the last two digits selected match digit for digit in sequence the last two digits of the winning number selected by the drawing. For example, if the winning number is 123, then only back pair bets placed on X23 will be winners.

8. Split Pair Bets

The purchaser shall select the first and last digit of the three digit number that will become a winner if the first and last digit selected match digit for digit in sequence the first and last digit of the winning number selected by the drawing. For example, if the winning number is 123, then only split pair bets placed on lX3 will be winners.

Why not make the most of your bets with a real system that really works, our pick3uwin system! Just drop by our site and see for yourself how easy it can be to pick winners for a change. Our simple strategies will put you on a winning streak in no time.
Until next time,
Happy betting and good luck

Everson Lloyd Amazing Pick 3 Lottery System

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Free Online Slot Machine to Have Fun While On Your Computer

Having access to a free slot machine can really be a fun experience. You might be interested to know that this is probably one of the best ways to spend time, whether at work or otherwise. There are a number of reasons as to why people consider this kind of slot machine to be highly addictive and probably the option to go in for if given a choice. In fact, it has become quite important to know more about this, since some even consider it be a recreation. If you too are one of these people, you might be all the more curious to learn about this option.

Zero money down

When you read this as a free slot machine, it means completely free. There is no cost involved and hence, you will be able to enjoy the game without having to shell anything out of your pocket. Truly, the option to play without spending money from your pocket is something that you are most surely going to like. Hence, this is probably one of the reasons as to why you would perhaps want to consider this, as most slots will expect you to put in some money if you truly do want to play them.

Multiple varieties

Since it is free, one might not really think that there are too many options to take advantage of. But, you will be wrong, since this is not quite the case. On the contrary, you will be able to easily take advantage of these slot machines without any issues. In fact, this is perhaps the reason why you might be interested in going in for these slots in the first place. After all, if there aren't that many slot machines to choose from, people might not come back for a second visit.

Easy to play

This is definitely an option worth checking out, as many people are bound to like the simplistic approach to be quite simple and addictive at the same time. In fact, you can play these games from pretty much any console that has internet connectivity, which makes this an option worth going in for. Since slot machines are most missed when you are travelling and are bored, the option to play anywhere is definitely a welcome addition.

For more information on the free online slot machine, a good website that you might want to go to is

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Is It Possible to Win 5000 a Week for Life? Answers Here!

Is it impossible to earn $5,000 without lifting a finger and just waiting for it to fall like a fruit on a tree? To you, who have not discovered Georgia Win for Life Lottery yet, this is undoubtedly impossible. However, for those who have already gotten out of their caves and discovered the wonders of winning this lottery, they surely think that it is possible to win 5000 a week for life.

Just how can you do this? It does not take a lot of hard work, really. Publishers Clearing House has its official home on the web and all you have to do is fill out some lines with real information. Once you have completed those, you can go ahead and submit your info. This takes just about a minute or two so this is obviously just a piece of cake. You just need to make sure that all your inputs are correct to not lead the people responsible for delivering your prize to the wrong way. They absolutely need your right mailing address for your prize to be delivered as soon as possible and without mishaps.

If you still doubt the legitimacy of this offer, you can go ahead and check the website yourself. A lot of sweepstakes scams are done on the web so it is just normal for you to have doubts whether this gig is real or not. To assure you that this is in no way an online scam, you would not have to pay for anything. Everything will be free. Filling out the information and waiting for your lucky day are the only two things you would have to worry about.

If you are one of the few lucky people to receive the price, you would be awarded with weekly winnings of $5,000. The money will be given to you every week for the rest of your life. That would mean regular earnings of roughly $240,000 a year without bothering to get a job. With this amount of money, bringing your family to vacations would no longer be a problem. You would not ever need to worry about cost of living again. Everything will be taken care of for you.

You will also be able to afford the luxury cars that you have always wanted for yourself. A brand new house also sounds good. You can buy the biggest, most expensive house you have in mind because the money that will be given to you will just never end. It will be for as long as you live!

There is a high chance that you have not seen the previous winners of this wonderful sweepstakes but Publishers Clearing House has been around for decades and their winners have appeared in TV, magazines and different ads. The evidences of their winnings have been shown, proof that the money Publishers Clearing House is real. You are just a few steps away from becoming one of those people so do not hesitate to make your move now.

Trying to win the win for life lottery game? Our FREE lottery secrets eCourse shows you how to win every lottery game your state offers - get the FREE lottery winning eCourse at

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

BEFORE You Win the Lottery - 10 Things to Do

In your heart, you know you are going to win a lotto jackpot eventually. Or else why do you buy lottery tickets? Here is some advice for your head and heart while you get ready to win.

1) Don't make promises you do not intend to keep. It is easy to tell someone: "If I won the lottery, I would pay off your mortgage" or "When I win the lottery, I will buy you a new car" Such statements, even meant as sympathy for another's plight, can come back to haunt you. You may forget you said it. Yet when you do win the lottery, that person to whom you uttered your promise will remember vividly and expect to collect their "due" And if you pay off the mortgage or buy that car, it will not mean as much if it had not been "expected" or "promised"

2) Don't trust anyone to hold your lottery tickets before the drawing. When large sums of money are involved, it is surprising how a long-standing friendship or family tie can become meaningless. Be forewarned: Buy your own lottery tickets -- or at least have them in your own safekeeping before the drawing takes place. As an extra precaution, sign the back of your winning lottery tickets immediately. After the drawing, possession is 99 percent of the law.

3) Stick to a budget. Don't play with money you are afraid to lose. Scared money seldom wins. Keep it fun so that your attitude remains positive. Enjoy it with others by pooling your money with friends, family or co-workers. Not only is it more enjoyable playing with others, but it also stretches your lotto budget. When you pool your money with others, you can afford to use the larger lotto wheels.

4) Have your lotto pool sign a Pooling Agreement. Pooling your money with others to share in more lottery tickets is a great idea, but do not pool your money with anyone without a signed agreement. You may think you are risking only a few dollars. But if the lottery ticket wins, you have put at risk potential millions.

5) Don't be afraid to skip a drawing. To further stretch your lotto dollar, play a large wheeling system once a month and skip the other drawings in between. Or use the money you might have spent (but didn't) on some other form of entertainment. If you have a multiple prize win, you can afford to spend more on lottery tickets next time, such as playing two or more lotto wheels. You may be on a hot streak. When you don't win, stay on a self-imposed budget until you win again. But keep in mind, there is one thing all lottery jackpot winners have in common: They all bought a lottery ticket!

6) Keep your lottery tickets safe. Keep your lottery tickets in a safe place and check them immediately after the drawing. Collect your small prizes (under $600) right away before the expiration date. Most states give you only 30 days to claim small wins from lottery agents. After that, you must mail them in or visit a claim center.

7) Save your losing lottery tickets. Save all of your losing lottery tickets because they are tax deductible, dollar for dollar, against your lottery wins. Receipts for other gambling losses can also be deducted against lottery wins. When you win even a second prize, you will be glad to have those deductions at tax time.

8) Play some low-odds games. If you want to start winning sooner rather than later, invest the greater portion of your lottery budget on the cash-5 game offered in your state. You will win more prizes more often when you play the lower odds pick-5 games. Top prize might be only a hundred thousand dollars or so. Nevertheless, I guarantee that when you win one, you will be very, very happy!

9) Trust your hunches. Although my strategies are scientific, based on mathematical probability, I am a great believer in playing hunches, too. If you feel strongly about a certain number, play it. Your inner conscious mind becomes stronger and more accurate as you use it. Even your hunch muscle has to be exercised to work efficiently. It is very important to think of yourself as a lucky person -- to think of yourself as a winner.

10) Practice saying, "No," before you win the lottery. The most important word any jackpot winner can learn to say is an emphatic "No!" Many jackpot winners have gone bankrupt because they allowed freeloading friends, relatives, neighbors, and others to bleed them dry. If you think you don't have the backbone to harden your heart against endless sad tales of need and greed, then do not accept your lottery win in a lump sum. Opt for the annuity payout and collect your lottery win in annual installments.

Gail Howard is the author of "Lottery Master Guide" and four other quality lottery books as well as lottery software with scientific strategies and easy-to-use combinatorial systems to help the lottery player bet smarter. Gail Howard is America's original pioneer of scientific lottery strategy. She created her lottery systems in 1982 and has been publishing them for 26 years. Her web site has been online for more than twelve years. Gail Howard's web site is loaded with valuable strategies and systems that you can use free. No sign-in is required. For six pages of free lotto tips and strategies for any specific lotto game in the USA and most other countries, go to then click on: Choose YOUR Lotto Game Now. Then select your state or country and choose your favorite game.

Or you can use Gail Howard's Interactive 30-Second Lottery Wheels for free and use the Gail Howard lottery wheel that won $15 million in the Michigan pick-6 lotto. Or use Gail Howard's Interactive 30-Second lottery wheel that won seven (7) first prize cash-5 lotto jackpots. Or use two other Gail Howard's 30-Second lottery wheels free, all of which have won the lottery. Read about Gail Howard's winners who used each of those lotto wheels to win their first prize lotto jackpots (all documented and verifiable). Gail Howard's lottery systems turn a game of luck into a game of skill.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Football Pool - How to Organize - Free Football Pool Grid

There are many ways to set up a football pool. Here is one that is very easy to implement:

  • Decide how much you will charge per square. Usually $1.00 per square for a total pot of $100.00.

  • Decide how you are going to pay out the pot. Most common is to pay something at the end of each quarter. You can decide what percent of the pot will be paid out each time. For example, 25% after the 1st quarter, 25% after the 2nd quarter and so on until 100% of the pot is paid out.

  • Decide how winners will be determined. A very common way is to use the "last digit" method. Basically you use the last digits of each team's score and find where those numbers intersect on the grid. If you are not familiar with this method, it is described more thoroughly in a free ebook offered below in the Author's box. It will be easier to understand if you can see the example grid that comes with the ebook.

  • Now that the decisions have been made, print off a football pool grid (usually an 8-1/2 x 11 sheet with 100 squares that can be filled in with names). In case you need one, the free ebook offered in the Author's box below includes a blank football pool sheet (plus full instructions).

  • "Sell" squares on the grid until all 100 squares are filled in with the buyer's name. Buyers can purchase multiple squares.

  • After all squares are filled in with names, draw the numbers that will be filled in along the top and down the left side of the grid. Create 10 small squares of paper and then write one number (zero thru 9) on each. Fold the 10 squares and put them into something to draw from like a hat. Choose somebody to draw one number at a time and fill them in across the top starting from left to right. Fold them back up and do the same for the left side, top to bottom. When finished, the numbers will be in random order.

  • Enjoy the game and pay out the pot as decided.

Football pools are easy to set up and fun for the participants. Why not organize one for your next football party? Or spice things up at work and do an office football pool with your co-workers?

Sandee Lembke from Theme Party invites you to visit her site and sign up to receive a free 6-page ebook which includes a blank football pool sheet, an example of one filled in plus full instructions on each of the steps mentioned above.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

2011 NFL Division Predictions

nfl playoff

NFL Free Agency and off-season trading has really reformed a lot of teams. The impact led me to writing updated NFL division predictions for the 2011 NFL season.

NFC North: Green Bay Packers (predicted record: 13-3). Green Bay had the biggest upside of the lockout because everybody else had to revitalize their teams in a short week. Instead the packers just cut a few salary cap eating players. I would definitely say that the packers should be back at the big dance this season. Detroit has a good chance with an awesome defensive line too. They should have a shot at wild card if QB Matthew Stafford can have a good year.

NFC West: Arizona Cardinals (predicted record: 10-6). The cardinals made a lot of bold moves in the off-season so far. They acquired Kevin Kolb, a superstar in the making from the Eagles, signing of 2-time pro bowler TE Todd Heap, and signing of LB Stewart Bradley. They also did very well in the draft filling most of their needs with CB Patrick Peterson (#5 overall pick), RB Ryan Williams (#38 overall pick), and TE Robert Housler (#69 overall pick) to name a few. Look out for Seattle too, they made some bold moves but lost out on their starting QB Matt Hasselbeck which I think drops them to 2nd in this division.

NFC East: Philadelphia Eagles (predicted record: 12-4). The Eagles by far have the best free agent class with pro bowl CB Nnamdi Asomugha, pro bowl DE Jason Babin, DE Cullen Jenkins, and backup QB Vince Young. They also acquired pro bowl CB Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie in the Kevin Kolb trade to the Cardinals. This division will give Eagles good competition but since the Eagles have the best secondary in this division, they should be able to shut out opponent wide receivers limiting big plays.

NFC South: Atlanta Falcons (predicted record: 12-4). The Falcons traded their whole draft this year for superstar in the making WR Julio Jones getting oohs and awes in practice. This will make for a deadly big play wide receiver duo that no corner back in the NFC South can stop. They also strengthened their pass rush with DE Ray Edwards playing opposite of pro bowl DE John Abraham. The Saints will pose the biggest threat with draftees and signings of RB Mark Ingram, RB Darren Sproles, and CB Fabian Washington.

AFC North: Baltimore Ravens (predicted record: 11-5). With Pittsburgh rolling over them in the playoffs they will look to make a splash in the competitive AFC North. They signed pro bowl FB Vonta Leach and got some good talent in the draft including a needed CB Jimmy Smith and WR Torrey Smith to summarize. The Steelers are the #1 threat to the Ravens but with Hines Ward declining in his old age they should look to capitalize.

AFC West: San Diego Chargers (predicted record: 12-4). Last year, the Chargers had a down year by not making the playoffs. They were hit with injuries and promising rookies having poor years. They should be able to get back up again with Vincent Jackson drama cleared up and him having a good year. The great QB Philip Rivers aimed for the moon last season and he got it with a career high in passing yards of 4,710 which probably will be duplicated this year. The Chiefs had a successful year last year but with Matt Cassel at QB, they won't be able to challenge San Diego.

AFC East: New England Patriots (predicted record: 14-2). Tom Brady won the MVP last season over scrambling Michael Vick with a TD to INT ratio at a historic level. The Patriots went big by trading for Chad Ochocinco and Albert Haynesworth which strengthen a poor ranked defense and gives them more depth at wide receiver. They looked like a contender last season but it proved too much pressure. The Jets threatened then slightly last season but not enough to make them feel pressured. The Jets will probably not threaten them at all this year losing out on some valuable free agents and with the emerging Dolphins going big this off-season also.

AFC South: Jacksonville Jaguars (predicted record: 11-5). With Peyton Manning at age 35 and having a new 5 year/$90 million deal leaving no cap space to get new players. The Jaguars should be able to gain on the aging Colts with power house RB Maurice-Jones Drew, 2 QB options of Blaine Gabbert and David Garrard, pro bowl TE Marcedes Lewis, and many good defensive players. Jacksonville may be able to get back on the road of success starting with this season.

To conclude, The AFC champ should be New England and the NFC champ should be Green Bay as both teams have good parts to win this season. I hope you are looking forward to this season as much as I am.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Juan "Chi-Chi" Rodriguez - Famous Puerto Rican Golfer

Born in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico on October 23, 1935, Juan Antonio "Chi-Chi" Rodríguez is the first Puerto Rican who was inducted to the World Golf Hall of Fame.

Juan Antonio came from a poor family. He is the son of a cattle handler and laborer who earned just $18 in one week. He also has five other siblings. At an early age of seven, to help augment his family's income, Juan Antonio started working for a sugar plantation as a water carrier. One day, he passed by a golf course and found that caddies earned more that he decided to be a caddie from then on.

He started practicing golf by using a branch of a guava tree as his golf club and metal as a golf ball. He would observe how the real golfers play and apply what he has learned from them. Thus, he became a skilled golfer through self study. At the age of nine, he was a proficient golfer and by the time he turned 12, he achieved a surprising score of 67.

When Juan Antonio joined the army at the age of 19, he would often spend his break times to visit nearby golf course and hone his golfing skills. In 1960, he became a professional golfer. In 1963, at the very young age of 28, Juan Antonio won the prestigious Denver Open. From 1963 to 1979, he won a total of eight titles on PGA Tour. He also represented his home country for 12 World Cup teams, received the Hispanic Recognition Award in 1986, named as Replica's Hispanic Man of the Year in 1988, was inducted in World Golf Hall of Fame in 1922.

Pollux Parker is an adventurer who loves discovering secret island getaways in each country he visits. Pollux also likes to collect Puerto Rican flag and buy Puerto Rican flag.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Used Tree Climbing Gear

Used tree climbing gear can be just as good, and just as safe as new equipment. Most people who work in the tree care and removal industry take good care of their equipment because their safety depends on it. Tree climbing equipment is expensive, and workers do not want to have to replace it any earlier than necessary.

Inspection is the key to safety and functionality. Even after purchasing new gear your equipment should be inspected on a regular basis. If you do not know all the procedures for inspecting equipment, have an experienced tree worker accompany you when on a buying trip.

Some used leather gear will actually feel better than new, because it has been broken in. New equipment will cost a lot more and is not necessarily better. The life of equipment used for tree climbing is quite long if the owner follows the procedures for proper care and storage.

Leather that has been cleaned and treated with one of the many products on today's market will remain in as good as new condition. Metal will last for years when handled carefully. A close inspection will show if equipment has been put away wet and allowed to rust and mildew.

Check for hairline cracks in metal catches and safety rings. Ropes should not smell like mold or mildew. Modern safety straps have a colored line that will start to show when they are worn past a certain point. Frayed edges and missing stitches are also a warning sign.

Used tree climbing gear can be a good investment. It is a good way to obtain the tools you need without having to spend as much money as you would for new. If you are looking for tree climbing gear than what are you waiting for, get it today.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The World's Best Binoculars, A Personal Choice

The question is which of the market leaders in the field of optics can lay claim to having produced the world's best binoculars?

It's not too hard to identify those that deserve a place in a directory for the world's best binoculars, optics are specialist bits of kit and there is a clear divide between the basically poor, the reasonable to good quality and the exceptional. However to single out one of the exceptional as the out and out best binoculars isn't so easy given that personal taste and binocular application both have a strong influence in the decision.

What can be said is that for any pair of binoculars to feature in a world's best binoculars list they must create a passion, excite you when you pick them up and make you never want to put them down. An exceptional pair of binoculars should not only have outstanding quality optics but be so well balanced that you don't even know they are in your hand allowing you to observe for extended periods of time in perfect comfort.

Unless you have experienced the difference between good and absolutely superb you won't ever understand how the world's best feels, so, if you really want to know just test a pair of Swarovski 8.5 x 42 EL's against perhaps a Pentax DCF SP 8 x 43. The Pentax is good, very good but the Swarovski is special. One word of warning, don't do this unless you can afford to upgrade as lesser priced binoculars will never seem the same again!!

As I said personal taste is important and there will often be disagreements with one user believing that Swarovski are the world's best binoculars while another will swear by Leica (for example) but what the top binoculars have in common is the manufacturers absolute attention to detail in regards to design, weight, size and balance and the exceptional quality of the optics and optical coatings.

Application is really important because the world's best binoculars for birding would be absolutely useless for astronomy or for the marine environment and binoculars that work well for sports, travel or theatre wouldn't be so good for observing nature or hunting.

For marine use the Steiner Commander binoculars are hard to beat. They are the only marine binoculars to come with Steiner's Nano protection against the environment, they are salt water resistant, waterproof to 10mtrs, have long life NBR rubber armouring, high performance optics, interchangeable eyecup system with a specific eyecup for spectacle wearers and a 30 year guarantee. These are truly professional marine binoculars which deliver an amazing performance in all light conditions, a strong contender for the world's best binoculars in a marine environment. Other options are the Nikon Stabileyes which are twice the price but offer image stabilizing technology or Canon IS binoculars although these are specifically designed for marine use.

If you are after image stabilizing binoculars take a look at the Canon 10x42 WP IS binoculars. Users absolutely rave about them. They are the first binoculars with lenses which carry the red L-series ring only previously found on Canon professional camera lenses, are fully waterproof and have unrivalled IS capabilities (in any moving environment).

For the world's best binoculars for birding you might want to try the Swarovski EL 8.5 x 42's, a truly outstanding bit of kit which delivers a user experience you will never forget. Another great bird binocular is the Leica Ultravid 42 series, absolutely stunning binos, compact (for their class) and yet exceptionally bright.

The best giant binoculars can deliver some stunning views of sky objects and the right ones make an excellent addition to the astronomer's toolbox. Fujinon produce top quality astronomy binoculars (up to 150mm objective diameter) although at a price which is beyond the reach of the average user. The Nikon 10 x 70 IF SP WP's are more affordable and make an excellent pair of astronomy binoculars.

Fujinon also make some of the world's best night vision binoculars but they come with a very high price tag!

For every application there is often a different short list for the 'world's best binoculars' in that class so as a starting point you need to decide exactly what you want to use your binoculars for. This will then enable you to narrow down your search in regard to magnification, size of objective lens etc. and manufacturers generally indicate suitable applications for their binoculars. Always check out the quality of the lenses and lens coatings, don't settle for anything less than fully multi-coated optics and Bak-4 prisms (unless price is an issue for you). Price isn't always an indication as to how good a pair of binoculars is so birding / astronomy forums etc are a good place to find those little gems that perform as well as the known top performers but for a lesser price tag.

Happy hunting for the world's best binoculars.

Visit the site designed to make buying binoculars a whole lot easier.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Free Canoe Plans To Experience The Joy Of Canoe Building

Boats have been around a long time in the history of human civilization. In the olden days, people sailed and paddled boats and canoes to do a lot of the important things in life such as traveling, fishing, hunting, and so on. This noble craft has contributed very well to the survival and flourishing of people in the days gone by. It is just sad to think the less and less people are interested with boats and canoes these days. Many considered it to be only a hobby that is rather passé. It's a good thing that there are still some people who enjoy this age-old pastime. Not only that, there are still people who are trying to engage on a much nobler aspect of boating which is building canoes. This is even made more possible with the increasing accessibility of information which allows people to gain access to free canoe plans.

What Makes of a Canoe?

Canoes are basically boats and have the basic components that most boats have, but there are also certain parts that distinguishes a canoe from other boats. Here are the fundamental parts of canoes:

  • Bow - this is the front of the canoe, it is pointed and responsible for making the boat slide through the water smoothly.

  • Stern - this is the rearmost tip of the canoe, unlike in most boats, the stern is pointed for the canoe.

  • Hull - this is the body of the canoe and is mainly responsible for keeping the boat afloat.

  • Seat - this is where the passenger of the canoe sit.

  • Thwart - situated near the top of the hull, this is a horizontal bar that helps maintain support.

  • Gunwale - this is the technical term for the side of the boat.

  • Deck - under this part is the foam block which serves as the floatation device of the canoe.

    Classic canoes are usually made of wood. The early canoes are just made by just burrowing our of tree trunks. Such heavy canoes are hard to transport and is quite impractical for modern leisurely purposes. Today's canoes are usually made of wood strips that are lighter and more functional. Using strips also allows greater flexibility in designing boats. Wood strips are usually cut from cedar trees that have been found to be sturdy and easy to manage. More high-tech canoes are made from other strong and lightweight materials such as plywood, aluminum, polyethylene, wood-and-canvas combinations, fiberglass, and Royalex.

    Canoe Designs

    The typical canoe designs feature a point front and back, this distinguishes it from other kinds of boats. In the early days of canoe crafting, people generally followed a basic design that usually conforms with the log being used. People had the canoe plans written on their minds in stead of on paper. Builders freely chose the designs they used for the boats. But as time went on, people became more experienced with the craft. They learned techniques of making boats more efficient and durable. Such techniques and designs were then written to help pass on information about canoe building to future generations. Today these plans are made available not only for professional builders but also the hobbyists. Some of such plans are even sold, and fortunately some of them can be obtained for free.

    Where to avail of Free Canoe Plans

    Magazines and books dedicated on canoes usually feature good designs that can be used by amateur builders. But one does not need to buy such publications to get canoe plans. Several websites now offer canoe plans free of charge, making this great hobby accessible to many.

  • If you want more information on coleman canoes [] and solo canoes [] vist our site at []

    Sunday, January 1, 2012

    Remote Control Cars

    Remote control cars are available in three important varieties - nitro remote control cars, petrol remote control cars and electric remote control cars. Among these varieties there are also many variations like nitro cars are available in-built and out-built versions or the electric will be available in brushed and brushless. The electric remote control cars are easy to use and the newly designed brushless cars are as fast as the nitro cars. The most interesting is the nitro cars as compared to the electric ones as they are somewhat little complicated to use but if properly learned how to operate them, it will be great fun and the small engine gives it a virtual look of the model. The petrol cars run on petrol and oil available in the petrol pumps but are very big in size than the nitro cars and are the most expensive cars among all. A wide variety of models across the full variety and to meet your budget are available.

    With the high demand there are high stocks of wide range of inbuilt nitro car stuffs for those who like building models and also using them. These self building its give hours of fun and the moment they are ready they are fun to be used. For the long time of use and fun you will be getting starting from first building to racing the kits are amazing value for the price you pay. If you are using nitro cars for the first time then to purchase a self build kit is the best method to learn about the hobby and know how they perform before going out and racing. Some of these are also sold to the schools as they provide some education and a good introductory to mechanism and engineering. The most vital thing is the instruction manual which is designed especially for smooth construction. The steps are shown clearly with CAD 3D graphics with each and every part labeled.

    There are also remote control cars which are powered by proper racing motors which run with racing battery packs. These are extremely speed machines. They are of modular design with good quality changeable parts including virtual working differentials and independent suspension.

    Like nitro cars, the petrol cars run with a mixture of unleaded petrol and 2 stroke engine oil which is easily available in any petrol station. This is more cheap and practical to use than a nitro car. You have to just fill unleaded petrol up to the first marker on the bottle and then pour 2 stroke oil up to the second marker.

    The 1:5 scale petrol remote control cars are more expensive but do not include every essentials and you have to purchase those separately.

    Nitro radio controlled cars, we offer petrol rc truck and remote control car. Rc petrol cars and rc helicopter selection.