Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pedro, Beltran, And The Mets As Seen By One True Yankee Fan

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This article was written in 2004 .
It's the middle of the NFL playoffs, and what has grabbed the interest of many sports fans has been the off-season maneuvering and acquisitions of the Mets and Yankees. In the past, the sports media has hyped baseball trades, the big money contracts, and the long time rivalries which make the off-season so interesting, but never as intensely as this year in NY. First, Pedro Martinez, then, Carlos Beltran going to the Mets has splashed the team front and center in our sports world consciousness. For the first time, in a long time, the Mets have captured the imagination of their fans with the possibilities of a dynamic exciting season.

Anyone who knows me knows I love the Yankees. And yes, I admit scoffing at the Mets in recent seasons. Some may wonder how a Yankee fan feels about the increasing powerful competition across town.

Like many true Yankees fans, I NEVER wanted to see Pedro Martinez in pinstripes.

(Hey, I also was never a Roger Clemmens aficionado).

I have witnessed many sworn enemies extend the olive branch during my lifetime. I've seen Berlin Wall come down, Communism fail, and normal trade with China. I've accepted that Darth Vader was once a good guy, and Tom Cruise can play a bad guy,

But all that doesn't mean I could want Pedro Martinez playing for my team. So thanks Mr. Steinbrenner, for not making that deal. However, I do know Pedro is a terrific pitcher, so why not have him winning for a NY team, in another league....that's perfect!

Carlos Beltran is another matter. Yeah, it would be great to see him in a Yankee line-up.

I could see him patrolling the Stadium outfield. Like a spoiled child who has been given exorbitant gifts throughout her lifetime, I expected George to make a last minute move and deliver yet another treasure. Instead, he offered up a different prize: Randy Johnson. I admit that I secretly hoped for both players and was slightly disappointed. In spite of this, I'm very happy he went to the Mets.

Why? Because the ultimate thrill for a NY sports fan (no matter if you love baseball or not) is to have another Subway Series. It's our Mecca, our Earthly Paradise, and Nirvana all rolled into one. It eclipses The Superbowl, has us more excited than the NBA playoffs, US Open and Master combined. NASCAR is nothing when we're talking Subway Series.

So if getting Beltran, pitching Pedro, and grabbing some headlines in the process are the beginnings of making that dream come true, then bring it on. Yankee fans are ready.

by Cheryl Wallad

Aron Wallad has been a baseball lover for over 40 years. Writing about his favorite subject, baseball, has been a blessing. You will enjoy the heartwarming stories, the unusual statistics and inspiring quotes. But mostly you will love the heartwarming stories that hit a home run to your heart.

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